Tis the season to be a consumer. Consumerism is a disease that has consumed most of the American society. We spend just to spend. Many Americans are trying to climb out of the debt that they have accumulated with credit cards. As a society we have mixed up our wants with our needs. We buy with little concern of where or how something was made. Think about the clothing you have in your closet, how much of it was made in China or some other country that makes clothing in sweat shops then sells it to American corporations for cheap. What price are we paying for "affordable" clothing? Are we willing to let people lose their lives or work for 13 cents an hour just so we can buy a t-shirt for a few bucks? We have to become more conscious about where our money is going.
Consumerism has also high jacked Christmas. We measure our Christmas with what or how much we receive. Kids are taught from a young age that during Christmas their parents show them how much they love them by how many presents they give them. Something has to change. We have to move away from this mentality of gifts equal love, and move toward the real reason we celebrate Christmas and that is Christ birth. I'm not saying that gift giving is evil or wrong, but their is so much more we can give than the latest video game system or newest toy. The best gift I ever receive on Christmas is spending time with family. Let's take Christmas back from Santa Claus and the American dream. Give a gift this Christmas that means more than money, give your time and love.
Disclaimer: when I use the word we I am speaking on the overall American society
Thanks for reading!
May grace and peace fall upon you.
In Christ,
Adam Quick