Friday, March 29, 2013

Celebrating Holy Week

The whole lent season leads up to this Holy Week. I have never celebrated lent before, but have really appreciated the beauty and intimacy that lent holds. It has been amazing to walk with Christ through fasting for forty five days. Sunday marks the end of the season with the celebration of Christ ressurection (aka Easter).

Holy week actually started last Sunday with Palm Sunday. The celebration of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey. The church service was beautiful, and we celebrated with fellowship and food after service. The church service included the presenting of Holy Week symbols, folks reading scripture, and a wonderful sermon about Jesus entering the city (or triumphant entry ). It was a great time of reflection, and a new experience of celebrating the triumphant entry.

On Wednesday we reflected with a prayer walk around our neighborhood. We joined with Jesus lamenting over the city when he wept. We went to different areas in the community starting with an area that had been used for a tire dump, then went to a school that has been closed and boarded up, following that we walked to an abandoned house that someone is trying to flip for profit, and ended at an abandoned jump start building. We prayed over all the areas asking God to intervene and  reflecting on all the hardships of the community. We prayed for the families in the community, and for all the folks that are sitting on property instead of selling it. (There is a whole lot of frustration that comes with that...I will blog about that soon.) This was a hard night, but it was good to lift all those cares to Christ.
Us praying at the old tire dump
Unfortunately I was unable to be a part of the maundy service. The church celebrated the Passover by breaking bread, feet washing, and ended in our community garden.

Tonight we have the Good Friday service. I believe that it will be a powerful experience reflecting on Jesus being hung on the cross. And walking through it with fellow brothers and sisters.

But all of this leads to the big day! A day when death was defeated forever and Jesus brought his Kingdom to Earth. On the third day he rose, and death lost its power! I'm looking forward to a 7:30 am sunrise service followed by activities for the kids, finally leading into an Easter service. Praise God that Jesus rose and the grave could not contain him!

I have truly enjoyed the celebration of Holy Week. God is good and has shown himself to me throughout this lent season and my year here in Atlanta! Thanks for reading.

May grace and peace be upon you.

 Adam Q

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Ahead

Atlanta has taken a literal meaning to spring ahead, and I am loving it! The weather went from lower to mid forties up to lower to mid sixties it seems overnight. Since the weather is getting nicer it means more people are out and about. I expect that the smell of barbequing will fill the air in English Avenue here shortly. And I have to admit I can't wait!  I am really excited for the next few weeks and months.

The past few weeks have been great! I got to take part in a few games of horseshoes with Horrace, Reggie, and Tony last Saturday. It was Reggie and myself versus Horrace and Tony. Reggie and I won two of two. It was a blast! I have to give the credit to Reggie he carried us to victory. I don't think the winter helped my horseshoe game any. I'm looking forward to bonding over more friendly games of horseshoes.

One of the awesome things about more people being out means that there is a real chance to build new relationships. I'm praying that God will bless me with some new relationships, and I ask that you pray for me in this area as well. At the same time I am really excited to see what the summer means for the relationships that I already have. I look forward to being able to sit on the front porch with the Rouse family. Front porches are a wonderful time of getting to know others, and allow them to get to know me.

I think God for the ways he has already blessed my year here! And I can't wait to see the ways he continues to bless my year as the seasons change. Thanks for reading!

May grace and Peace fall upon you.

Adam Q