It seems like just yesterday Cole and I were lost driving down Jonesboro Rd looking for the church where I would meet my family for the coming year. Now, I have been living in Atlanta for four weeks! I honestly can't believe that it has been that long. As the old saying goes, time flies when you are having fun! Although, not everything that we do has been "fun" I have learned a lot. During the not so "fun" times I am normally growing in my faith and seeing God's beauty! That is the beautiful thing, God is present in the times of fun and the times of solitude and learning.
When I say time flies, I mean, I have no idea where my week has gone. My schedule is crazy packed, but honestly I like it that way. It looks like this. On Sunday's I wake up and go to church at New Life Covenant after church we head home for lunch and use the next few hours to catch up on curriculum, writing newsletters, cleaning the house, etc. then Sunday nights we have what we call points meetings, this is our chance to talk about things the team could be doing better, and then we have a family story time where someone shares there "testimony". Monday thru Thursday, I get up at 6 and then the team has bible study and an hour of reflection time from 6:30 to 7:30. I go to my first work site at 8:30 and I normally get off between 12:30 and 1:00. Then i head home and start getting ready for my second work site which starts at 3:30 and goes until 7:00. After work everyday we have an activity. Monday is our grocery shopping day, Tuesday is Family Night (these are a ton of fun), Wednesday is Bible Study, Thursday is training or citywide. Saturday is community day, we are out in the community all day and then to end the day we have a community dinner open to anyone that wants to come over for food and conversation. Now I left Friday for last because it is a special day, it is my day of rest or sabbath day. (I will have a blog one week just on what this day looks like and what it means to me.)
Family night is just a time for the team to come together and enjoy each others company. Every week a different person leads family night, and this week just happened to be mine. The whole team was frantically trying to finish putting there newsletters together and their envelopes addressed. So it was nice to take a break from the stuffing of envelopes to enjoy each other, and play a game of Apples to Apples. We had a lot of fun playing, and it was just what the doctor ordered. You know the old saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
In our Bible study on Wednesday night we have been reading The Good and Beautiful God. We have been in the study for two weeks. I am really enjoying the book which about taking our worldly narratives and changing them to Jesus' narratives. We have group discussion about the book and every week there is a soul training to go along with the chapter so it is really nice to listen to how the book is affecting everyone's life. We have about seven more weeks left in this study. I can't wait to see how God uses it in my life.
This week we had a "training" on Thursday. The reason I put training in quotations is because it didn't feel like a training at all. We did what is called interplay which was essentially acting goofy and having a good time while getting to know each other. It started off with us just moving our body while standing still. Then we began to move around the room doing whatever pleased us, which was to free us up and brings us out of our own heads. Then we did some mirroring exercises. This was a ton of fun! After mirroring, we did a babbling exercise where the instructor would give us a word and we would just talk about it. I heard and gave out a lot of useless information, but I enjoyed every minute of it. At the end of training I had a few major thoughts. The first was during the mirroring exercises, we would tend to start off doing something really excessive and then near the end we would mellow down. I feel like that can be applied to life and spirituality. We hustle and bustle at work and with family, but at some point we have to slow down take a breather and listen to God's voice in our life because your not going to hear him if you don't take the time to listen. The second thing I realized was how important it is to listen to one another, even if you are only listening to pointless information about parking meters. (and yes that was one of the topics.) All in all something that didn't feel like a training at all taught me some very important things that I want to carry with me throughout the year and the rest of my life.
Today, my sabbath, has been a really amazing day. I started off by reading my daily Bible (thanks to Tommy and Becky Holland for gifting me that!). Then I headed to the Library and got a few books. I got an autobiography of Abraham Lincoln, a biography of Martin Luther King Jr., and a Ted Dekker fiction book. Then I walked to Centennial park found a nice place to sit and spent thirty minutes in silence with God. It was beautiful! It has been a wonderful and restful day!
Tomorrow is community day. One thing I would like to happen tomorrow is that i will be able to just spend some time sitting on someone's porch with them. I am really trusting God in finding the relationships that are suppose to take place this year! So please be in prayer for the neighborhood and myself. I would also like to see a good turn out to our community dinner. We are serving white chicken chili! I can't wait! That is a great time of fellowship with neighbors.
Go and check out Luke 10 and the power behind Jesus teaching!
Thank you all for reading and your prayers! Grace and peace be upon you! I send my love!
In Christ